


Interpreted refers to computer instructions that are executed one at a time, as opposed to compiled code, which is translated into machine code before execution. Interpreted code is typically slower and more flexible than compiled code.

What does Interpreted mean?

In the realm of Technology, the Term “Interpreted” refers to a specific type of execution for computer code. It describes a process where a program is not executed directly by the processor but rather relayed to an interpreter, a software program that translates the code line by line into machine-understandable instructions. This interpretation approach stands in contrast to the “compiled” approach, where the entire program is converted into machine instructions before its actual execution.

The interpreted execution model offers distinct advantages and trade-offs compared to compilation. Interpreters provide greater flexibility as they allow modifications and debugging during runtime. This flexibility is particularly useful for rapid prototyping, exploratory programming, and interactive applications such as scripting and shell environments. Moreover, interpreted languages are often portable across different platforms since the interpreter, not the code itself, handles the translation into machine instructions.

However, the interpretation process also introduces some drawbacks. Interpreted code generally runs slower than compiled code because the translation step must be performed every time the program is executed. Additionally, the reliance on an interpreter adds an extra layer of overhead and potential performance limitations.


Interpreted languages are widely used in various technological applications due to their flexibility and platform independence. Some notable examples include:

  • Web Development: Languages like Python, JavaScript, and PHP are commonly interpreted for web applications due to their dynamic nature and ease of integration with various frameworks.
  • Scripting: Interpreters are often used for scripting tasks, such as automating system processes, managing configurations, and creating quick and simple tools.
  • Data Science and Machine Learning: Interpreted languages like Python and R are popular for data analysis, machine learning, and statistical modeling due to their extensive libraries and ease of use.
  • Game Development: Scripting languages such as Lua and Python are employed in game development for creating dynamic and interactive gameplay elements, such as AI behavior and level design.


The concept of interpreted execution has been present in computer science for decades. One of the earliest examples is the LISP programming Language, developed in the mid-1950s. LISP featured an interpreter that allowed for dynamic evaluation and modification of code during runtime.

Over the years, various interpreted languages have emerged, each with its own strengths and applications. Some notable milestones in the history of interpreted languages include:

  • 1962: BASIC (an early general-purpose interpreted language) was developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz.
  • 1972: Smalltalk (an object-oriented interpreted language) was released by Alan Kay and the Xerox PARC team.
  • 1980s: The emergence of scripting languages like Perl and Shell for system administration and automation tasks.
  • 1990s: The rise of interpreted languages in web development, such as JavaScript and PHP.
  • 2000s: Python and R gained popularity in data science and machine learning communities.

Today, interpreted languages continue to play a vital role in many aspects of technology, from web development and scripting to data analysis and game development. Their flexibility, cross-platform capabilities, and ease of use make them indispensable tools for modern software development.