Instant messaging


Instant messaging

Instant messaging is a form of real-time communication that allows users to send and receive text, audio, and video messages over the internet or similar networks. Users can engage in one-on-one or group conversations, typically with instant feedback from the recipient.

Instant Messaging

What does Instant messaging mean?

Instant messaging (IM) is a real-time text-based communication method that allows users to send and receive messages over the internet. Unlike email, which can take several minutes or hours to deliver, IM messages are typically delivered within seconds. This makes IM an ideal tool for quick and informal communication between two or more people. IM also allows users to Share files, images, and videos.

IM platforms typically provide a variety of features, such as the ability to create and manage contact lists, set up groups, and customize the interface. Some platforms also offer additional features, such as voice and video calling, Screen sharing, and message encryption.


IM has a wide range of applications in technology today. It is used for:

  • Personal communication: IM is a popular way for friends and family to stay in touch. It is also used for flirting and dating.
  • Business communication: IM is used by businesses for a variety of purposes, including customer support, sales, and collaboration.
  • Education: IM is used by teachers and students to communicate with each other outside of the classroom.
  • Gaming: IM is used by gamers to communicate with each other While playing online games.

IM is important in technology today because it is a convenient, efficient, and affordable way to communicate. It is also a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes.


The first IM system was created in 1971 by Michael Toy and Bill Duvall. This system, called TALK, allowed users to send and receive messages over a Local network. In 1988, Jarkko Oikarinen created IRC (Internet Relay Chat), which was the first IM system to be used on the internet.

In the 1990s, several commercial IM platforms were released, including AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), ICQ, and MSN Messenger. These platforms made IM more accessible to the general public, and it quickly became one of the most popular ways to communicate online.

Today, IM remains one of the most popular communication methods in the world. It is used by billions of people around the globe for both personal and business purposes.