Finite Element Analysis


Finite Element Analysis

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a computational technique used to analyze engineering problems by dividing a large problem into smaller, simpler parts called finite elements. By solving the governing equations for each element and assembling the results, FEA provides an approximate solution to the overall problem.

What does Finite Element Analysis mean?

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a powerful computational technique used to analyze the behavior of complex structures under various loading conditions. It discretizes a large, intricate structure into smaller, simpler elements, enabling the solution of complex equations that describe the structure’s response. Each element is defined by its geometry, material properties, and boundary conditions.

FEA involves dividing the structure into a finite number of subdomains called finite elements. These elements are typically tetrahedra, hexahedra, or triangular prisms. The nodes are the points where the elements connect. The displacement of each Node is then solved using a Set of algebraic equations, which are derived from the governing equations of solid mechanics. The solution of these equations provides the displacement, stress, and strain fields within the structure.

FEA has become an indispensable tool in engineering design, as it allows engineers to predict the performance of structures under various loading scenarios, without the need for costly physical testing. It can be used to analyze a wide Range of structures, including bridges, buildings, aircraft, and mechanical components.


FEA has a wide range of applications in various engineering disciplines, including:

  • Structural Analysis: FEA is used to analyze the behavior of structures under applied loads, such as static, dynamic, and impact loads. It can predict the displacement, stress, and strain fields within the structure, allowing engineers to evaluate the structural integrity and safety.
  • Thermal Analysis: FEA can be used to analyze the temperature distribution within a structure subjected to heat transfer. It can predict the thermal stresses and strains induced by temperature gradients, helping engineers design structures for optimal thermal performance.
  • Fluid Dynamics: FEA can be used to analyze the flow of fluids, such as liquids and gases, through and around structures. It can predict the pressure, Velocity, and temperature fields within the fluid, enabling engineers to design fluid systems for efficient performance.
  • Acoustic Analysis: FEA can be used to analyze the propagation of sound waves through and around structures. It can predict the sound pressure levels and the structural vibrations induced by acoustic loading, helping engineers design structures for optimal acoustic performance.

FEA has revolutionized the field of engineering design by providing engineers with a powerful tool to predict the behavior of complex structures under various loading conditions. It has significantly reduced the need for physical testing, saving time and costs while improving the accuracy and reliability of structural designs.


The origins of FEA can be traced back to the early 20th century, when scientists and engineers began to develop numerical methods for solving complex engineering problems. In the 1940s, a team led by aeronautical engineer Robert Melosh developed the first practical FEA software, which was used to analyze the stresses in aircraft structures.

In the 1950s, engineers began to develop more sophisticated FEA techniques, including the use of higher-order elements and the incorporation of nonlinear material properties. These advancements enabled FEA to be applied to a wider range of engineering problems.

In the 1960s and 1970s, FEA became widely adopted in the aerospace, automotive, and nuclear industries. The development of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software made it easier to generate FEA models, further increasing the popularity of the technique.

Today, FEA is a mature and well-established computational tool that is used in a wide range of engineering disciplines. It has become an essential part of the engineering design process, enabling engineers to design and optimize structures with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency.