


In computing, “Ethical” implies that ethical principles and standards are considered and integrated into the development and use of technology to promote responsible and socially beneficial practices. It encompasses issues such as data privacy, security, bias mitigation, fairness, and the responsible use of artificial intelligence.

What does Ethical mean?

“Ethical” refers to a system of principles that guide individuals and organizations towards behavior that is considered morally correct and just. Within the context of technology, ethical considerations encompass a wide range of issues that impact society, ranging from data privacy and security to the potential consequences of artificial intelligence.

Ethics in technology seeks to address the potential Negative effects of technological advancements while promoting their positive benefits. It involves identifying, analyzing, and addressing ethical dilemmas that arise from the development, deployment, and use of technology. Ethical frameworks in technology aim to ensure that technological advancements align with societal values and human well-being.


Ethical considerations are crucial in technology today due to its pervasive impact on society. Key applications include:

  • Data privacy and security: Protecting Personal information from Unauthorized access, use, or disclosure is essential in an era of digitalization. Ethical practices ensure that data collected for legitimate purposes is handled responsibly and individuals have control over their data.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI): AI systems have the potential to transform industries and society. However, it raises ethical concerns regarding fairness, bias, transparency, and accountability. Ethical AI ensures that AI systems are designed and deployed in a responsible manner, minimizing potential unintended consequences.
  • Social media: Social media platforms connect billions of people but also raise ethical issues related to privacy, misinformation, and hate speech. Ethical practices in social media aim to mitigate these risks and foster a healthy online environment.
  • Automation and job displacement: Technological advancements can lead to job automation and displacement. Ethical considerations involve addressing the impact on workers, retraining programs, and policies to promote economic equity.


Ethical considerations in technology have evolved alongside technological advancements. Key historical milestones include:

  • Early 20th century: The development of the computer led to discussions about its potential societal impact, including concerns about privacy and ethical use.
  • 1970s and 1980s: The rise of the personal computer and the internet raised ethical issues regarding data privacy, online security, and intellectual property.
  • Late 20th century: The development of AI and biotechnology sparked debates about the ethical implications of these technologies, including potential risks to human rights and the environment.
  • 21st century: The rapid advancement of technology in recent decades has further amplified ethical concerns. Social media, big data, and AI have created New ethical challenges that require ongoing attention and dialogue.