Electromagnetic coil


Electromagnetic coil

An electromagnetic coil is a conductor, usually wire, wrapped into a coil shape, that converts electrical energy into magnetic energy when an electric current flows through it, creating a magnetic field. When the current is turned off, the magnetic field collapses, inducing an electrical current in the coil in the opposite direction.

What does Electromagnetic coil mean?

An electromagnetic coil, also known as an inductor, is a passive electrical component that consists of a conductor, typically a wire, wound into a coil shape. When an electric current flows through the coil, it creates a Magnetic field proportional to the current strength and the number of turns in the coil. This property of electromagnetic coils makes them essential components in various electrical and electronic applications.

Electromagnetic coils are characterized by their inductance, which is the ability to store energy in a magnetic field. The inductance of a coil depends on its physical construction, including the number of turns, the coil’s shape and size, and the material of the conductor. Coils with more turns, larger sizes, and higher permeability materials possess higher inductance.

The relationship between current, magnetic field, and inductance is described by Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. When the current flowing through the coil changes, it induces an electromotive force (EMF) or Voltage across the coil. This EMF opposes the change in current, creating an inductive effect.

Electromagnetic coils play a crucial role in many electrical devices and systems. They are used as inductors in AC circuits to regulate current flow, in transformers to transfer electrical energy between circuits, and in motors and generators to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy and vice versa.


Electromagnetic coils have a wide range of applications in various technological fields:

  • Electrical Engineering: In AC circuits, coils are used to regulate current flow and voltage. They are essential components in filters, transformers, power supplies, and other electrical devices.
  • Motors and Generators: Electromagnetic coils are the fundamental components of electric motors and generators. In motors, coils create a magnetic field that interacts with the stator’s magnetic field to produce rotational motion. In generators, the reverse process occurs, where mechanical Rotation generates electricity.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): MRI scanners use large electromagnetic coils to generate a strong magnetic field that aligns protons in the body. These protons then emit radio waves that provide detailed anatomical images.
  • Inductors in Electronic Circuits: Coils are essential in electronic circuits as inductors. They store energy in their magnetic fields and release it when the current changes. This property is utilized in various applications, such as energy storage, voltage regulation, and signal filtering.
  • Electromagnets: Electromagnetic coils wrapped around a magnetic material create electromagnets. These devices can be turned on and off, allowing for controlled Generation and manipulation of magnetic fields.


The concept of electromagnetic coils emerged in the early 19th century during the exploration of electromagnetism. In 1820, Danish physicist Hans Christian Ørsted demonstrated the magnetic field around a current-carrying wire. This discovery led to further investigations into the relationship between electricity and magnetism.

In 1831, British scientist Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction, which laid the foundation for understanding how coils generate magnetic fields. Faraday’s experiments with coils and magnets showed that a changing magnetic field induces an electromotive force (EMF) in a conductor.

Following these groundbreaking discoveries, various scientists and engineers contributed to the development of electromagnetic coils for practical applications. In 1837, American inventor Joseph Henry constructed a large electromagnet capable of lifting heavy weights. This invention paved the way for the development of electric motors and generators.

Over the years, electromagnetic coils have undergone continuous advancements in materials, design, and manufacturing techniques. The advent of New materials with higher permeability and improved conductivity has led to more efficient and compact coils.