Dynamic Data Exchange


Dynamic Data Exchange

Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is a protocol that enables applications to share data in real-time, allowing one application to access and update data in another application. DDE provides a way for applications to communicate and collaborate, enabling data to be exchanged and shared efficiently between different software programs.

Dynamic Data Exchange

Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is a protocol for sharing data between applications on Windows operating systems. It allows one Application to subscribe to and exchange data with another application in real-time. DDE messages are sent over a shared memory segment, enabling efficient and low-latency data transfer.


DDE is particularly useful in scenarios where data needs to be shared between different applications or processes. Some key applications of DDE include:

  • Integration with third-party applications: DDE allows applications to exchange data with non-native applications and services, enabling seamless integration and automation of tasks.
  • Data sharing between spreadsheets: DDE is commonly used in spreadsheet applications, such as Microsoft Excel, to link data between workbooks, enabling automatic updates and calculations.
  • Database connectivity: DDE can be used to connect applications to databases, allowing data retrieval and updates in real-time.
  • Windows scripting: DDE can be incorporated into Windows Scripts to automate tasks and exchange data between multiple applications.


DDE was developed by Microsoft in the 1980s as part of the Microsoft Windows operating system. It was initially introduced in Windows 2.0 and has been a core component of Windows ever since.

The development of DDE was driven by the need for a standardized method of sharing data between applications. Prior to DDE, data exchange was often achieved through custom or ad-hoc methods, Leading to compatibility issues and limitations.

Over the years, DDE has undergone several revisions and enhancements to improve its performance and functionality. Notably, in Windows Vista, DDE was updated to support 64-bit systems and introduced new security features to enhance data privacy and Integrity.