


A definition in computer programming is a statement that specifies the name, type, and optionally, the value of a variable, function, or other entity. It determines the characteristics of that entity and its usage within the program.

What does Definition mean?

In technology, “Definition” refers to the precision, clarity, and detail of an Image, video, or other digital representation. It is a measure of how closely an output matches the original source material. A higher definition indicates a sharper, more detailed image with less distortion.

Definition is quantified in terms of pixels, which are small individual units that make up a digital image or video. The higher the number of pixels, the higher the definition. For example, a 4K Ultra HD resolution has a definition of 3840 x 2160 pixels, which is four times the definition of a standard High-definition (HD) resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.

Factors that affect Definition include the number of pixels, the aspect ratio, the color depth, and the compression algorithm used. A higher pixel Count, a wider aspect ratio, a greater color depth, and a less Lossy compression algorithm all contribute to a higher definition.


Definition is critical in technology today, particularly in the areas of:

  • Visual media: High-definition images and videos are essential for creating immersive and engaging experiences in movies, television, video games, and virtual reality.
  • Medical imaging: High-definition medical images enable doctors to diagnose and treat diseases more accurately and effectively.
  • Surveillance: High-definition surveillance cameras allow for more detailed monitoring and identification of individuals and objects.
  • Scientific research: High-definition images and videos help scientists observe and analyze data with greater precision.
  • Manufacturing: High-definition sensors and cameras enable precise measurement and quality control in manufacturing processes.


The pursuit of higher Definition has been a driving force in the development of technology:

  • Early photography: The invention of photography in the 19th century introduced the concept of Definition to images.
  • Film and television: The development of film and television in the 20th century led to the standardization of HD resolutions for broadcast and cinema.
  • Digital imaging: The advent of digital cameras and computers in the late 20th century enabled further improvements in Definition.
  • Ultra HD: The introduction of 4K Ultra HD and 8K Ultra HD in the 21st century has pushed the boundaries of Definition even higher.

The relentless pursuit of higher Definition continues to drive innovation in imaging, display, and processing technologies, with the aim of creating increasingly immersive and detailed digital experiences.