


‘DEFINE’ is a command in various programming languages used to associate an identifier with a value, variable, or function. It assigns a meaning or value to the specified identifier.

What does Define mean?

In programming, ‘Define’ is a preprocessor directive that allows a programmer to substitute a token (name or text) with another token. It is typically used to create macros, which are convenient shortcuts that can save time and effort when writing code.

For example, the following C preprocessor directive defines a macro named ‘MY_CONSTANT’ with the value ’42’:


define MY_CONSTANT 42


This means that whenever the preprocessor encounters the token ‘MY_CONSTANT’ in the code, it will replace it with the value ’42’. This can be useful for creating constants that can be easily changed later on, or for creating macros that represent complex or frequently used code blocks.


‘Define’ is a fundamental part of many programming languages, and it has a wide Range of applications in technology today. Some of the most common uses include:

  • Creating constants: Define can be used to create constants, which are values that cannot be changed once they have been defined. This can be useful for creating values that are used throughout a program, such as the size of an array or the maximum number of iterations in a loop.
  • Creating macros: Define can be used to create macros, which are shortcuts that represent complex or frequently used code blocks. This can save time and effort when writing code, and it can also help to improve code readability.
  • Customizing the build Process: Define can be used to customize the build process by defining preprocessor directives that Control the compilation and Linking of the code. This can be useful for creating different versions of a program for different platforms or for optimizing the performance of the code.


The ‘Define’ directive was first introduced in the C programming language in the early 1970s. It was originally used to create macros, which were a way to save time and effort when writing code. Over time, Define has been adopted by many other programming languages, and it is now a standard Feature in most modern languages.

The ‘Define’ directive has undergone some changes over the years, but its basic functionality has remained the same. In the early days, Define was only able to define simple macros. However, over time, Define has been extended to support more complex macros, such as macros that take arguments and macros that can be nested.

Today, Define is an essential part of many programming languages. It is used for a wide range of applications, from creating constants and macros to customizing the build process.