Data Manipulation Language


Data Manipulation Language

Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a computer language used to interact with and modify data in a database. DML allows users to perform operations such as inserting, updating, and deleting records, as well as querying the database to retrieve specific data.

What does Data Manipulation Language mean?

Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a subset of Structured [Query Language]( (SQL) that allows users to modify data stored in a relational database. DML commands enable database administrators and programmers to insert, update, delete, and retrieve data. These commands provide the fundamental functionality for manipulating and managing data within a database, making them crucial for maintaining data integrity and ensuring efficient database operations.

DML commands are characterized by their ability to alter the content of a database, unlike Data Definition Language (DDL) commands, which are used to define and modify the database structure. DML commands are primarily used in data maintenance tasks, such as adding new data, modifying existing data, and removing obsolete data. They allow users to perform specific operations on tables, including inserting new records, updating existing records, deleting records, and retrieving data based on specified criteria.


DML is essential in various technology applications, including:

  • Data entry: DML commands allow users to insert new data into a database, facilitating the addition of customer information, sales transactions, or any other type of data.
  • Data updates: DML enables users to modify existing data in a database, allowing them to correct errors, update records, or change information as needed.
  • Data deletion: DML provides the ability to remove obsolete or incorrect data from a database, ensuring data accuracy and freeing up storage space.
  • Data Retrieval: DML allows users to retrieve data from a database based on specific criteria, supporting complex queries and data analysis tasks.

DML’s importance in technology today stems from its fundamental role in maintaining data integrity, ensuring data accuracy, and facilitating efficient data access.


The concept of DML emerged with the development of relational databases in the 1970s. The first popular DML language was SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language), developed by IBM in 1974. SEQUEL later evolved into SQL (Structured Query Language), which became the industry standard for database manipulation.

Over time, SQL has been enhanced with new DML commands and features, expanding its capabilities. Modern DML commands include INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE, each designed to perform specific data manipulation tasks.