Copyright symbol


Copyright symbol

The Copyright symbol (©) indicates that a work is protected by copyright law, granting exclusive rights to the copyright holder to reproduce, distribute, and modify the work. It serves as a legal notice to potential infringers and provides a means for identifying the copyright owner.

What does Copyright symbol mean?

The copyright symbol, denoted by ©, represents the legal right granted to the creator of an original work to control the reproduction, distribution, and use of that work. It provides protection for intellectual Property, including literary works, artistic creations, musical compositions, and other creative endeavors. The symbol serves as a notice to the public that the work is protected under the copyright Laws of the relevant jurisdiction. By placing the copyright symbol on a work, the creator asserts their exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, adapt, or otherwise exploit their creation without authorization.

The copyright symbol is distinct from the trademark symbol (™) and the service mark symbol (℠), which are used to identify brands and businesses. Unlike trademarks, the copyright symbol does not need to be registered to be valid, although registration provides additional benefits and protections.


The copyright symbol is essential in technology today because it safeguards the rights of creators and encourages innovation. It protects software programs, websites, digital images, and other digital Content from unauthorized copying, distribution, or modification. By providing creators with control over their works, the copyright symbol encourages the production and distribution of new and creative content.

In the software industry, the copyright symbol protects the source code and executable files of software programs from infringement. It prevents unauthorized copying and distribution, ensuring that software developers receive fair compensation for their work and enabling them to invest in further development.

The copyright symbol also plays a vital role in the protection of digital content, such as images, videos, and music. It safeguards creators against unauthorized use and exploitation of their works, ensuring that they receive proper recognition and compensation for their contributions.


The origins of the copyright symbol can be traced Back to the early days of printing. In England, the first copyright law was enacted in 1709, known as the Statute of Anne. This law established the concept of copyright and granted protection to authors and publishers. The use of the copyright symbol became common practice during the 19th century.

In 1952, the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC) was adopted by numerous countries to establish international standards for the protection of copyrighted works. The UCC required the use of the copyright symbol © on all protected works. The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, adopted in 1886, also recognizes the use of the copyright symbol.

Today, the copyright symbol is widely recognized and used globally as a symbol of copyright protection. It represents the legal rights of creators and plays a crucial role in the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.