


A constructor is a special method in a class that is automatically called when an object of that class is created, and is used to initialize the object’s state. Constructors have the same name as the class they belong to, and their return type is void.

What does Constructor mean?

A constructor is a special method in Object-oriented programming languages that is called automatically when an object of a class is created. Its purpose is to initialize the object’s state and perform any other necessary setup tasks. Constructors are typically defined with the same name as the class, but unlike regular methods, they do not have a return type.

The primary role of a constructor is to allocate Memory for the object and initialize its instance variables. It can also perform tasks such as setting default values for properties, performing validation checks on input parameters, and establishing relationships with other objects. Additionally, constructors can be used to override inherited behaviors from parent classes.


Constructors are essential components of object-oriented design and serve several important applications:

  • Initialization: Constructors provide a structured and consistent way to initialize objects, ensuring that they are created in a valid and usable state.
  • Resource management: Constructors can be used to allocate resources, such as memory or File handles, and ensure their proper Release when the object is destroyed.
  • Object state validation: Constructors can perform validation checks on input parameters to prevent Invalid or inconsistent data from being assigned to the object.
  • Encapsulation: Constructors help enforce the encapsulation principle by controlling access to and modification of an object’s internal state.
  • Inheritance: Constructors play a crucial role in inheritance, allowing child classes to override or extend the behavior of constructors inherited from parent classes.


The concept of constructors has evolved alongside the development of object-oriented programming languages. In early languages, such as Simula, constructors were known as “initialization routines” and were not strictly enforced. However, as object-oriented programming gained prominence, the importance of constructors for object initialization and resource management became increasingly recognized.

In the 1980s, languages like Smalltalk and C++ introduced the modern concept of constructors as special methods with the same name as the class. These languages also introduced the concept of “default constructors,” which are called when no arguments are provided to the constructor.

Since then, constructors have become an integral part of object-oriented programming languages. They continue to be refined and enhanced, with modern languages providing features such as parameterized constructors, delegating constructors, and constructor chaining.