


Conduct in computing refers to the flow of electrical signals through a conductor or between two points, while ‘conductance’ measures the ease with which electricity flows through a material.

What does Conduct mean?

In technology, “conduct” refers to the behavior or action of a specific system, component, or process. It encompasses the manner in which an Entity operates, interacts with its environment, and executes its intended functions. Conduct is a crucial aspect of technology as it determines the efficiency, reliability, and overall effectiveness of the system or component.

Conduct can be influenced by various factors, including the design, implementation, and configuration of the system. It involves aspects such as data transmission, processing, and execution, as well as the adherence to predefined rules, protocols, and standards. By understanding and optimizing the conduct of a system, developers and engineers can improve its overall performance and ensure that it meets its intended objectives.


Conduct plays a vital role in technology today, particularly in the following areas:

  • Networking: Conduct governs the flow of data between devices and networks, ensuring efficient and reliable communication. It encompasses protocols like TCP/IP, routing algorithms, and network management practices, shaping the behavior and performance of network infrastructure.

  • Software Development: Conduct determines the execution and behavior of software applications. It involves aspects such as code quality, memory management, and resource utilization. By optimizing conduct, developers can improve software efficiency, reliability, and maintainability.

  • Hardware Design: Conduct is crucial in the design and engineering of hardware components, including processors, memory systems, and peripherals. It governs the performance, power consumption, and temperature characteristics of hardware, ensuring optimal operation and reliability.

  • Security: Conduct plays a Key role in maintaining the security and integrity of technology systems. It involves implementing security protocols, access controls, and audit mechanisms, ensuring that systems are protected from unauthorized access, malware, and other threats.


The concept of conduct has its roots in the early days of computing and has evolved alongside the development of technology.

  • Early Computing: In the early mainframe and minicomputer era, conduct focused on optimizing the utilization of limited hardware resources and ensuring the efficient execution of batch processing jobs.

  • Personal Computing: With the advent of personal computers in the 1970s and 1980s, conduct shifted towards managing multitasking operating systems, handling peripherals, and providing a user-friendly interface.

  • Networking and Internet: The development of networking and the Internet in the 1990s introduced new challenges for conduct, requiring the optimization of data transmission, routing, and security across a Distributed network environment.

  • Mobile and Cloud Computing: The rise of mobile devices and cloud computing in the 2000s and beyond further emphasized the importance of conduct in managing resource-constrained devices and distributed computing environments.

Today, conduct remains a central consideration in the design, development, and deployment of technology systems, ensuring that they operate efficiently, reliably, and securely.