


A compiler is a computer program that translates human-readable source code into machine-executable code that can be run by a computer’s central processing unit (CPU). Compilers are essential for making software applications portable across different computer architectures and operating systems.

What does Compiler mean?

A compiler is a computer program that translates high-level source Code into low-level machine instructions. The source code is written in a language that is easier for humans to read and understand, while the machine instructions are the binary code that the computer actually executes.

The compilation process consists of several steps, including lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis, and code generation. Lexical analysis involves breaking the source code into individual tokens, such as Keywords, identifiers, and operators. Parsing involves grouping the tokens into a hierarchical structure, known as an abstract syntax tree (AST). Semantic analysis involves checking the AST for errors and verifying that the program is well-formed. Code generation involves translating the AST into machine instructions.

Compilers are essential for developing software because they allow programmers to write code at a higher level of abstraction, which is both easier and faster than writing directly in machine instructions. Compilers also help to improve the quality of code by performing error checking and ensuring that the code is consistent with the language’s specifications.


Compilers are used in a wide variety of applications, including:

  • Operating systems: Compilers are used to translate Operating System source code into machine instructions.
  • Programming languages: Compilers are used to translate Programming Language source code into machine instructions.
  • Embedded systems: Compilers are used to translate embedded system source code into machine instructions.
  • Scientific computing: Compilers are used to translate scientific computing source code into machine instructions.
  • Web development: Compilers are used to translate web development source code into machine instructions.

Compilers are an essential part of the software development process. They enable programmers to write code at a higher level of abstraction, which is both easier and faster than writing directly in machine instructions. Compilers also help to improve the quality of code by performing error checking and ensuring that the code is consistent with the language’s specifications.


The history of compilers can be traced back to the 1950s, when the first compilers were developed for the FORTRAN and LISP programming languages. These early compilers were relatively simple, and they only supported a limited number of features. However, over time, compilers have become increasingly sophisticated, and they now support a wide Range of features and optimizations.

The development of new compiler technologies has been driven by the need for faster, more efficient, and more reliable software. Compilers have also played a major role in the development of new programming languages. For example, the Java programming language was designed to be easily compiled into efficient machine code.

Today, compilers are an essential part of the software development process. They are used to translate source code into machine instructions for a wide variety of applications, including operating systems, programming languages, embedded systems, scientific computing, and web development.