


Communications in computers involves the exchange of data or information between different devices or systems, enabling users to send, receive, and process messages over a network or other communication channels.

What does Communications mean?

Communications in technology refers to the exchange of information, ideas, and data across networks and systems. It encompasses a vast array of technologies, protocols, and applications that facilitate communication between devices, systems, and individuals across physical and virtual boundaries. Communications serve as the backbone of modern technological systems, enabling data transfer, resource sharing, and remote interactions.

Communications technologies provide various methods for exchanging information, including text, audio, video, and data. These technologies encompass a wide range of infrastructure, such as fiber optic cables, satellites, cellular networks, and wireless protocols. Communications protocols establish standardized rules for data transmission, ensuring interoperability and efficient communication between different devices.


Communications technologies play a vital role in modern technology, supporting numerous applications across various sectors. These applications include:

  • Data exchange: Communications enable the transfer of data between devices and systems, facilitating file sharing, software updates, database synchronization, and remote access.
  • Networking: Communications establish connections between computers, devices, and networks, allowing for resource sharing, Collaboration, and access to distributed data and services.
  • Internet communication: Communications technologies underpin the internet, enabling global connectivity and access to online services, such as web Browsing, email, and social media.
  • Telecommunications: Communications facilitate voice and video communication through phone calls, video conferencing, and instant messaging.
  • Industrial automation: Communications technologies enable remote monitoring, control, and automation of industrial processes, enhancing efficiency and safety.


The history of communications can be traced back to ancient times, with the development of writing and communication systems such as papyrus and clay tablets. Throughout history, various technologies have emerged to facilitate communication over increasing distances and speeds.

Key milestones in the development of communications include:

  • 1844: Invention of the telegraph by Samuel Morse, enabling fast communication over long distances.
  • 1876: Invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell, revolutionizing voice communication.
  • 1927: First transatlantic phone call, connecting the United States and Europe.
  • 1940s-1950s: Development of computers and modems, laying the foundation for digital communications.
  • 1969: Establishment of the internet, creating a global network for data exchange and communication.
  • 1970s-1980s: Advent of mobile phones, enabling wireless communication.
  • 1990s-Present: Proliferation of Broadband internet and cloud computing, transforming communications and enabling New applications.