


Combine is a transformation operation in Hadoop MapReduce that merges the outputs of multiple reducers into a single output. It improves efficiency by reducing the number of I/O operations and network transfers required to generate the final output.

What does Combine mean?

In computing, Combine refers to a functional reactive programming (FRP) framework introduced by Apple as part of its SwiftUI framework. FRP is a programming paradigm that emphasizes the propagation of changes through a network of Data flows and the combination of values from multiple sources.

Combine provides a declarative API for creating and manipulating streams of values, known as publishers and subscribers. Publishers emit values over time, while subscribers receive and react to these values. Combine also offers a range of operators that allow for the transformation, filtering, and combination of data streams, such as map, filter, reduce, and combineLatest.

At its core, Combine is a declarative framework, meaning that developers can express their data processing logic without explicitly specifying the order of operations. This approach simplifies the development of complex data pipelines and makes it easier to reason about the flow of data.


Combine has gained significant traction in iOS and macOS development due to its integration with SwiftUI. It provides a powerful way to manage data flow in SwiftUI applications, enabling developers to create reactive and responsive user interfaces.

Beyond its use in SwiftUI, Combine can be applied in various other scenarios, including:

  • Data fetching and caching: Combine can be used to create pipelines for fetching data from remote servers, caching it locally, and updating the user interface when the data changes.
  • Event handling: Combine can be used to handle events from user interactions, such as button taps or text input, and trigger appropriate actions.
  • State management: Combine can be used to manage the state of an Application and automatically update the user interface when the state changes.


Combine was first introduced by Apple in 2019 as part of iOS 13 and macOS Catalina. It was initially a platform-specific framework, but with the release of CombineX in 2021, it became a cross-platform framework that can be used on iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

Since its inception, Combine has undergone several revisions and improvements. Apple has added new operators, improved performance, and enhanced its integration with SwiftUI. As a result, Combine has become a widely adopted framework for data handling and reactive programming in Apple’s ecosystem.