


‘Closed’ in computing refers to a system or software that is no longer being developed, updated, or supported by its creators, rendering it no longer available for use. Closed systems are typically outdated and potentially vulnerable to security risks.

What does Closed mean?

Closed in technology refers to a system, software, or hardware that restricts access, Modification, or distribution beyond its creators or authorized users. It prioritizes Security, control, and Intellectual Property protection over openness, collaboration, and flexibility. Closed systems are often proprietary, meaning they are owned and controlled by a single entity.

This concept is central to understanding the division between closed and open source software. Closed source software limits access to its source code, preventing users from inspecting, modifying, or redistributing the software without authorization. Conversely, open source software allows users to freely access and modify its source code, fostering transparency, collaboration, and innovation.

Closed systems also play a crucial role in industries where security and reliability are paramount. Embedded systems, such as those used in medical devices, defense systems, and industrial controllers, often adopt closed architectures to minimize risk, ensure compatibility, and prevent unauthorized access. These systems typically employ proprietary hardware and software, controlled by the manufacturer, to maintain stability and prevent vulnerabilities.


Closed systems are particularly valuable in scenarios where security, control, and reliability are critical. Some key applications include:

  1. Enterprise Software: Closed systems are common in enterprise settings where sensitive data and processes need to be protected. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and financial management tools often adopt closed architectures to safeguard confidential information and maintain business continuity.

  2. Embedded Systems: As mentioned earlier, embedded systems in critical industries rely on closed architectures to ensure reliability and Safety. Medical devices, automotive systems, and industrial controllers prioritize stability and compatibility to minimize potential risks and malfunctions.

  3. Proprietary Technologies: Companies often develop and maintain closed systems to protect their intellectual property and competitive advantage. Closed architectures allow them to control the distribution, modification, and use of their proprietary technologies, ensuring that their investments are not compromised or exploited by competitors.

  4. Security Systems: Closed systems are essential for implementing robust security measures. Access control systems, intrusion detection systems, and video surveillance sistemas utilize closed architectures to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data integrity, and enhance overall security.


The concept of closed systems has been prevalent throughout the history of technology. Early computing systems, such as mainframes and minicomputers, were largely closed, with proprietary architectures and operating systems. This approach provided stability, control, and compatibility, which were essential for mission-critical applications in government, finance, and large organizations.

However, in the 1980s, the open source movement emerged, led by the development of the GNU operating system and the free software philosophy. This movement promoted transparency, collaboration, and freedom of modification, challenging the dominance of closed proprietary systems.

Despite the rise of open source, closed systems have remained relevant in specific domains. The advent of embedded systems, the increasing importance of security, and the value of intellectual property protection have all contributed to the continued presence of closed architectures in modern technology.