


“Close” is the action of ending a currently running application or window on a computer system. It frees up resources and restores the system to its previous state before the application was launched.

What does Close mean?

In computing, “close” refers to the action of terminating a Connection, process, or file. It involves releasing the resources allocated to the specific entity and finalizing its operation. Closing a connection ensures that the communication channel is properly shut down, avoiding data loss or corruption. Additionally, closing a process terminates its execution, freeing up system resources and ensuring that it no longer consumes CPU time or memory. Closing a file involves releasing the file descriptor and flushing any unsaved changes to ensure data integrity and prevent data loss.


The concept of “close” is fundamental in Technology for several reasons:

  • Resource Management: Closing connections, processes, and files releases resources, such as memory, network bandwidth, and file descriptors. This efficient resource management helps prevent system overloads and ensures that resources are available for other applications.

  • Data Integrity: Closing a file properly ensures that all data changes are written to disk Before the file is closed, preventing data loss or corruption in case of system failures or power outages.

  • Security: Closing connections promptly can prevent security vulnerabilities by terminating active communication channels that could be exploited by attackers.


The concept of “close” has been integral to computing since its inception. Early operating systems, such as CP/CMS and Multics, introduced the notion of process management and file handling, which included the ability to close these entities. As operating systems evolved, the concept of closing was standardized in interfaces such as POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface), ensuring consistent behavior across different platforms.

Today, the concept of “close” is Embedded in various programming languages and operating systems. It is used extensively in Networking protocols like TCP/IP, where connections are established and closed to facilitate communication between devices. Additionally, it is crucial in database systems to ensure data integrity and prevent data loss during transactions.