


A client is a computer program or device that initiates a connection to a server to access services or resources, while the server fulfills requests from the client and provides the desired information or functionality.

What does Client mean?

In technology, the term ‘Client’ refers to a hardware or Software program that initiates a request for services from another program, typically known as a server. This request-response interaction forms the foundation of client-server communication, which powers numerous applications and services across the IT industry.

The client program, residing on the user’s Device, is responsible for sending requests to the server program, which resides on a remote computer system. The server program, upon receiving the client’s request, processes the data, retrieves the necessary information, and sends a response back to the client.


The Client-Server Model is omnipresent in technology today, enabling a wide range of applications:

  • Web Browsing: When a user visits a website like Google, their browser (e.g., Chrome or Firefox) acts as the client, sending requests to Google’s server. The server processes the request, retrieves the website’s content, and sends it back to the browser, which then displays the website to the user.
  • Email: Email clients like Outlook or Thunderbird initiate requests to email servers to send, receive, and manage emails. The server stores and forwards emails, acting as a central repository for user communications.
  • Cloud Computing: Client devices Access cloud-based applications like Salesforce or Dropbox, which run on remote servers. The clients send requests to the servers, which handle the application logic and send back responses. This allows users to access complex applications without the need for local installation.
  • Mobile Apps: Most mobile apps are clients that communicate with servers to access data, process information, or provide user functionality. For instance, the mobile app for an online store might send requests to the store’s server to retrieve product information, make purchases, or check customer accounts.


The client-server model emerged in the 1980s with the advent of distributed computing. Before that, computers were typically standalone systems with limited network connectivity. The client-server model enabled the sharing of resources across a network, where individual computers could specialize in serving specific functions.

Over time, the client-server model has evolved, with advancements in network technologies, operating systems, and application design. The early days of client-server computing were characterized by thick clients, which required significant processing power and storage on the client side. However, modern computing trends have shifted towards thin clients, which rely on the server for most of the processing and storage, allowing for leaner and more mobile client devices.