Address Space


Address Space

Address space is the range of addresses that a computer can use to access memory, allowing it to determine where data is stored and retrieved. It defines the limits of the virtual memory that a process can address.

What does Address Space mean?

Address space refers to a logical range of addresses used to access memory locations within a computer system. It consists of a well-defined set of numeric identifiers that represent the memory locations in the system. Address spaces are essential for organizing and accessing data in a structured manner, enabling efficient memory management and communication between different hardware components and software processes.

At its core, address space provides a mapping between Virtual memory addresses and physical memory locations. Virtual addresses, generated by programs, reside in a Logical address space that is independent of the underlying physical memory layout. The operating system then translates virtual addresses into physical addresses, which pinpoint the specific memory locations in the system’s physical memory.

The Size of an address space defines the maximum amount of memory that can be accessed by a program or system. Larger address spaces are required to accommodate increasingly complex and data-intensive applications, as well as operating systems with advanced memory management capabilities.


Address spaces play a vital role in various aspects of computing:

  • Memory Management: Address spaces allow for efficient memory management by providing a structured way to organize and allocate memory resources. They enable processes to access their own dedicated memory regions and prevent memory conflicts between different programs.
  • Virtualization: Address spaces are crucial for virtualization, where multiple virtual machines can run on a single physical machine. Each virtual machine has its own address space, ensuring isolation and preventing memory interference between different virtual environments.
  • Networking: Address spaces are used in networking to assign unique identifiers to devices and applications on a network. IP addresses, for example, represent the address space for Internet communication, ensuring that data is routed correctly to its intended destination.
  • Security: Address spaces contribute to system security by providing isolation and protection between different programs and system components. Access control mechanisms can be applied to address spaces, restricting access to specific memory regions and preventing unauthorized memory access.


The concept of address space has evolved over time, closely tied to advancements in computer architecture and memory management techniques:

  • Early Computing: In early computers, address spaces were limited and typically consisted of 16 or 32 BITS, resulting in addressable memory sizes of 64 KB or 4 GB, respectively.
  • Paged Memory: The introduction of paged memory systems allowed for larger address spaces by breaking down physical memory into smaller, manageable pages. Virtual addresses were mapped to physical pages, providing a more efficient and flexible memory management scheme.
  • Segmentation: Segmentation further extended address space capabilities by dividing memory into logical segments, each with its own protection and access attributes. This allowed for more granular memory management and improved security.
  • Modern Address Spaces: Today’s modern computer systems often employ 64-bit address spaces, supporting vast amounts of addressable memory (up to 16 exabytes). Advanced memory management techniques, such as virtual memory and memory protection, provide efficient and secure address space utilization.