zip - macOS
zip is a macOS command that compresses files and directories into ZIP archives. It is commonly used for archiving multiple files together, reducing their size for easier storage and transfer.
zip [options] zipfile input_files
- -r, –recurse-directories: Recursively add files from subdirectories.
- -q, –quiet: Suppress progress information.
- -f, –force: Overwrite existing files without prompting.
- -v, –verbose: Display detailed progress information.
- -T, –test: Test the integrity of a ZIP archive without modifying it.
- -l, –list: Display the contents of a ZIP archive.
- -i, –include: Specify a list of patterns to include in the archive.
- -x, –exclude: Specify a list of patterns to exclude from the archive.
- -C, –directory: Set the root directory for the archive (default: current directory).
- -m, –move: Move input files to the archive (delete originals).
- -j, –junk-paths: Remove directory structure from file paths.
- -z, –zip64: Use ZIP64 extensions to support archives larger than 4GB.
Create a ZIP archive from a single file:
zip file.txt
Recursively compress all files in a directory:
zip -r directory
Compress selected files from a directory:
zip -i "*.txt" directory
Exclude a specific file from the archive:
zip -x "excluded_file.txt" directory
Test the integrity of a ZIP archive:
zip -T
Common Issues
- Permission denied: Ensure you have sufficient permissions to create or modify the ZIP archive.
- Too many files or folders: ZIP archives have a maximum size limit. Use -z for archives larger than 4GB.
- Invalid file path: Verbose mode (-v) can provide more details on file path issues.
Combine with tar:
tar -cvf - directory | zip -
Use with find:
find directory -print0 | zip -0
Related Commands
- gzip – Compress individual files.
- tar – Create and extract tar archives.
- unar – Extract archives of various formats.