Unregister PSSessionConfiguration - PowerShell


The Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration cmdlet removes a registered PowerShell session configuration from the local computer. This configuration defines global settings and modules that are available to all remote PowerShell sessions created on the local computer.


Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration [-Name] <string> [-Force] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [-Passthru]


| Option/Flag | Description | Default Value |
| -Name | Specifies the name of the session configuration to unregister. | Required |
| -Force | Suppresses confirmation prompts before unregistering. | False |
| -Confirm | Prompts for confirmation before unregistering. | False |
| -WhatIf | Shows what would happen if the command ran without actually unregistering the configuration. | False |
| -Passthru | Returns the unregistered session configuration object. | False |


Example 1: Unregister a Configuration with Confirmation

Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -Name CustomConfiguration -Confirm

Example 2: Unregister a Configuration Without Confirmation

Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -Name CustomConfiguration -Force

Common Issues

Issue: The -Name parameter does not match any registered session configurations.

Resolution: Ensure that the specified -Name is correct and corresponds to a registered session configuration. Use Get-PSSessionConfiguration to list the registered configurations.


The Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration cmdlet can be integrated with other PowerShell commands to manage remote session configurations, such as:

  • New-PSSessionConfiguration to create a new configuration.
  • Register-PSSessionConfiguration to register a configuration.
  • Get-PSSessionConfiguration to retrieve the registered configurations.