Stop Service - PowerShell


The Stop-Service command halts a specified service, causing it to stop running. It’s a crucial tool for managing and controlling services in Windows PowerShell environments.


Stop-Service [-Name] <ServiceName> [-Confirm] [-Force] [-PassThru]


  • -Name : Specifies the name of the service to stop.
  • -Confirm: Prompts for confirmation before stopping the service (default: $false).
  • -Force: Forces the service to stop without waiting for it to close gracefully (default: $false).
  • -PassThru: Returns a ServiceController object for the stopped service (default: $false).


Simple Usage:

Stop-Service -Name MSSQLSERVER

Confirming before Stopping:

Stop-Service -Name WinRM -Confirm

Forced Stop:

Stop-Service -Name Hyper-V -Force

Retrieving the ServiceController Object:

$svc = Stop-Service -Name BITS -PassThru | Format-List

Common Issues

  • “Service Not Found” Error: Ensure that the service name specified in -Name is correct and matches the actual service name.
  • “Access Denied” Error: Verify that you have sufficient privileges to stop the service. Run PowerShell with elevated rights if necessary.
  • “Service Already Stopped” Warning: The service may already be stopped before the command is executed. Check the service status before attempting to stop it.


Stop-Service can be combined with other PowerShell commands to automate service management tasks. For example, you can use it with the ForEach-Object cmdlet to stop multiple services:

Get-Service | ForEach-Object { Stop-Service -Name $_.Name }
  • Start-Service: Starts a service.
  • Restart-Service: Restarts a service.
  • Get-Service: Retrieves information about services.