Set Partition - PowerShell


The Set-Partition cmdlet modifies properties of a partition on a physical disk. This enables you to manage disk partitions, configure their sizes, file systems, and other attributes. It’s particularly useful for disk partitioning, storage management, and system administration tasks.


Set-Partition [-PartitionNumber] <Int32> -FileSystem <String> [-Size <Int32>] [-NewPartitionNumber <Int32>] [-Label <String>] [-Boot] [-Convert] [-Unrecoverable] [-Force] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]


  • -FileSystem: Specifies the file system to format the partition with.
  • -Size: Sets the size of the partition in megabytes (MB).
  • -NewPartitionNumber: Assigns a new partition number to the partition.
  • -Label: Sets the volume label for the partition.
  • -Boot: Marks the partition as bootable.
  • -Convert: Converts the partition to the specified file system.
  • -Unrecoverable: Prevents the partition from being recovered by data recovery tools.
  • -Force: Suppresses confirmation prompts and forces the operation.
  • -Confirm: Prompts for confirmation before executing the operation.
  • -WhatIf: Simulates the operation without making any changes.
  • -PassThru: Returns an object representing the modified partition.


Example 1: Format a partition as NTFS

Set-Partition -PartitionNumber 1 -FileSystem NTFS

Example 2: Resize a partition and assign a label

Set-Partition -PartitionNumber 2 -Size 500 -Label "Data"

Example 3: Convert a partition to FAT32

Set-Partition -PartitionNumber 3 -Convert FAT32

Common Issues

  • Insufficient disk space: Ensure there’s enough free space on the disk to complete the operation.
  • Partition table corruption: Partition table corruption can cause errors. Use Repair-Partition to fix it.
  • File system errors: Check the file system for errors before formatting the partition.


  • Combine with Get-Partition to retrieve partition information before modifying it.
  • Use Initialize-Disk to prepare a new disk for partitioning.
  • Integrate with New-Partition and Remove-Partition for comprehensive disk management.
  • Get-Partition
  • Initialize-Disk
  • Repair-Partition