Set NetFirewallProfile - PowerShell


Set-NetFirewallProfile configures settings for the Windows Firewall profiles on your local computer. It allows you to enable or disable the firewall, change profile types, and set advanced firewall policies.


Set-NetFirewallProfile [-Name] <string> [-DisplayName] <string> [-Enabled] <bool> [-DefaultInboundAction] <FirewallAction>
[-DefaultOutboundAction] <FirewallAction> [-AllowInbound] <bool> [-AllowOutbound] <bool> [-BlockInboundByDefault] <bool>
[-BlockOutboundByDefault] <bool> [-ProfileType] <FirewallProfileType> [-Description] <string>


  • -Name: Specifies the profile name to configure.
  • -DisplayName: Sets the display name for the profile.
  • -Enabled: Enables or disables the firewall for the specified profile.
  • -DefaultInboundAction: Sets the action taken for inbound traffic that does not match any firewall rules.
  • -DefaultOutboundAction: Sets the action taken for outbound traffic that does not match any firewall rules.
  • -AllowInbound: Controls whether all inbound traffic is allowed.
  • -AllowOutbound: Controls whether all outbound traffic is allowed.
  • -BlockInboundByDefault: Sets whether to block all inbound traffic by default.
  • -BlockOutboundByDefault: Sets whether to block all outbound traffic by default.
  • -ProfileType: Specifies the type of profile to create or modify (Domain, Public, Private).
  • -Description: Sets a description for the profile.


Example 1: Enable the firewall for the Public profile

Set-NetFirewallProfile -Name Public -Enabled $true

Example 2: Set the default inbound action to Block for the Private profile

Set-NetFirewallProfile -Name Private -DefaultInboundAction Block

Example 3: Allow all outbound traffic for the Domain profile and disable the firewall

Set-NetFirewallProfile -Name Domain -AllowOutbound $true -Enabled $false

Example 4: Create a new profile named “MyProfile” with a custom description

Set-NetFirewallProfile -Name MyProfile -ProfileType Private -Description "My custom firewall profile"

Common Issues

Issue: “Set-NetFirewallProfile: Failed to set firewall profile.”

Solution: Ensure you have administrator privileges and that the Windows Firewall service is running.


Integration with Group Policy: You can use Set-NetFirewallProfile in Group Policy scripts to configure firewall settings across multiple computers in a domain.

  • Get-NetFirewallProfile: Retrieves information about firewall profiles.
  • New-NetFirewallProfile: Creates a new firewall profile.
  • Remove-NetFirewallProfile: Deletes a firewall profile.