Repair Volume - PowerShell


The Repair-Volume cmdlet repairs logical and physical errors on a volume. It scans the volume for errors, and if errors are found, attempts to repair them. The Repair-Volume cmdlet can be used on both basic and dynamic volumes.


Repair-Volume [-DriveLetter] <String[]> [-VolumeName] <String[]> [-Checkpoint] [-OfflineRepair] [-DisableIndexing] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [-PassThru]


  • Checkpoint: Creates a checkpoint before repairing the volume. This allows you to roll back to the previous state if the repair is unsuccessful.
  • DriveLetter: Specifies the drive letter of the volume to be repaired.
  • OfflineRepair: Performs a full, offline repair of the volume. This option requires the volume to be dismounted and can take several hours to complete.
  • DisableIndexing: Disables indexing on the volume before repairing it. This can improve the performance of the repair.
  • Confirm: Prompts you to confirm before repairing the volume.
  • WhatIf: Simulates the repair operation without actually performing it.
  • PassThru: Returns an object that represents the repaired volume.


Simple repair

Repair-Volume C:

Offline repair with indexing disabled

Repair-Volume -DriveLetter C: -OfflineRepair -DisableIndexing

Repair all volumes with a specific name

$volumes = Get-Volume -Name "MyVolume"
Repair-Volume -VolumeName $volumes

Common Issues

The repair operation failed

If the repair operation fails, you can try the following:

  • Run the Repair-Volume cmdlet again with the -Checkpoint option. This will create a checkpoint before repairing the volume, allowing you to roll back to the previous state if the repair is unsuccessful.
  • Run the Repair-Volume cmdlet with the -OfflineRepair option. This will perform a full, offline repair of the volume, which can take several hours to complete.

The volume is in use

If the volume is in use, you will need to dismount it before repairing it. You can dismount a volume using the Dismount-Volume cmdlet.


The Repair-Volume cmdlet can be used in conjunction with other PowerShell cmdlets to perform advanced tasks. For example, you can use the Get-Volume cmdlet to get a list of all volumes on your computer, and then use the Repair-Volume cmdlet to repair any volumes that have errors.

  • Get-Volume
  • Dismount-Volume