Remove SmbMapping - PowerShell


The Remove-SmbMapping cmdlet removes Server Message Block (SMB) network file share mappings from a computer, including offline mappings. This allows administrators to easily delete and manage mapped network drives.


Remove-SmbMapping [-DriveLetter] <String[]> [-ShareName] <String[]> [-Force] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


  • -DriveLetter: Specifies the drive letter(s) of the SMB mapping(s) to be removed.
  • -ShareName: Specifies the name(s) of the SMB share(s) to be removed.
  • -Force: Forces the removal of SMB mappings without prompting for confirmation.
  • -WhatIf: Simulates the command’s execution without actually modifying the system.
  • -Confirm: Prompts for confirmation before removing each SMB mapping.


Example 1: Remove an SMB mapping by drive letter:

Remove-SmbMapping -DriveLetter Z

Example 2: Remove an SMB mapping by share name:

Remove-SmbMapping -ShareName \\Server01\Share01

Example 3: Remove multiple SMB mappings by drive letter:

Remove-SmbMapping -DriveLetter C, D

Example 4: Remove all SMB mappings without confirmation:

Remove-SmbMapping -Force

Common Issues

  • Error when removing offline mappings: If you try to remove an SMB mapping that is in an offline state, you may receive an error. Use the -Force parameter to remove offline mappings.
  • Permission denied error: Ensure that you have sufficient permissions on both the local computer and the remote SMB server to remove the mappings.


The Remove-SmbMapping cmdlet can be integrated into scripts or scheduled tasks to automate the removal of SMB mappings on a regular basis. For example, you could create a script that runs daily to clean up unused SMB mappings.

  • Get-SmbMapping: Retrieves SMB mappings from a computer.
  • New-SmbMapping: Creates SMB mappings on a computer.
  • Test-SmbMapping: Tests the connectivity and availability of SMB mappings.