Remove PSSession - PowerShell


Remove-PSSession disconnects and removes a PowerShell remote session established using New-PSSession. This allows you to end a remote session when it’s no longer needed, saving system resources and enhancing security.


Remove-PSSession [-Session] <PSSession>


  • -Session: Specifies the session to remove. Use the -Session parameter to target a specific session by its identifying name or session ID. This parameter is mandatory to remove a session.


  • Remove a specific session by its session ID:
Remove-PSSession -Session 987654321
  • Close all active sessions:
Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession

Common Issues

  • Incorrect session ID: Ensure the specified session ID in the -Session parameter matches an existing session. Check session details using Get-PSSession before attempting removal.
  • Permission denied: Verify that the current user has the necessary permissions to remove the specified session. Administrative privileges may be required for certain sessions.


  • Combine with Get-PSSession to identify and target specific sessions for removal. For example:
$session = Get-PSSession -Name "MySession"
Remove-PSSession -Session $session
  • Use Invoke-Command to execute commands on a remote computer, then remove the session using Remove-PSSession to disconnect and clean up resources. For example:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName remotehost -ScriptBlock { Write-Host "Hello from remote!" }
Remove-PSSession -Session (Get-PSSession -ComputerName remotehost)
  • New-PSSession: Creates a remote PowerShell session.
  • Get-PSSession: Retrieves information about existing PowerShell sessions.
  • Enter-PSSession: Enters an interactive session with a remote computer using a PSSession.
  • Stop-PSSession: Suspends a PowerShell remote session without removing it.