Register EngineEvent - PowerShell


The Register-EngineEvent command registers an event for the workflow engine. This allows the workflow to receive notifications when the event occurs, such as when a new item is created in a specified list or when a file is modified in a specified folder.


Register-EngineEvent -Source [<Source>] -Type [<Type>] -Name [<Name>] -Data [<Data>] -RunNow -SkipDuplicates


| Option | Description | Default |
| -Source | Specifies the source of the event. This can be a SharePoint list, library, folder, or file. | Required |
| -Type | Specifies the type of event. This can be ItemAdded, ItemUpdated, ItemDeleted, or ItemMoved. | Required |
| -Name | Specifies the name of the event. This is used to identify the event when it is received by the workflow. | Required |
| -Data | Specifies the data that is associated with the event. This can be any type of data, such as a string, number, or object. | Optional |
| -RunNow | Specifies whether the workflow should be run immediately after the event is registered. | $false |
| -SkipDuplicates | Specifies whether the workflow should skip duplicate events. | $true |


The following command registers an event for a SharePoint list named “Tasks”. The event is triggered when a new item is added to the list.

Register-EngineEvent -Source "Lists/Tasks" -Type "ItemAdded" -Name "NewTask"

The following command registers an event for a folder named “Documents”. The event is triggered when a file is modified in the folder.

Register-EngineEvent -Source "Documents" -Type "ItemUpdated" -Name "FileUpdated"

Common Issues

One common issue that can occur when using the Register-EngineEvent command is that the event is not triggered when it should be. This can be caused by a number of factors, such as:

  • The event source is not correctly configured.
  • The event type is not supported.
  • The event name is already in use.
  • The workflow is not running.


The Register-EngineEvent command can be used with other PowerShell commands to create powerful workflows. For example, you can use the Register-EngineEvent command to register an event for a SharePoint list, and then use the Start-Workflow command to start a workflow that is triggered by that event.

  • Get-EngineEvent
  • Unregister-EngineEvent
  • Start-Workflow