Out GridView - PowerShell


The Out-GridView command in PowerShell creates an interactive graphical window that allows you to view and interact with tabular data. It presents the data in a grid format, enabling you to sort, filter, and perform various operations on the displayed records.


Out-GridView [[-InputObject] <object>] [-Title <string>] [-PassThru] [-NoWrap] [-Width <int>] [-AutoSizeColumns] [-Force] [-Wrap] [-Height <int>] [-Background <color>] [-Foreground <color>] [-Font <font>] [-InputObjectProcessedCount <int>] [-MaximumWindowHeight <int>] [-MaximumWindowWidth <int>] [-MinimumWindowHeight <int>] [-MinimumWindowWidth <int>] [-AllowResize] [-AllowColumnHeaderReorder] [-AllowColumnReorder] [-AllowSort] [-AllowVirtualization] [-AutoFit] [-AutoSize] [-CellSpan <int>] [-ColumnHeadersHeight <int>] [-ColumnIndent] [-ColumnSpacing <int>] [-DetailPaneHeight <int>] [-DisableDpiAwareness] [-DisableVirtualization] [-DisplayCursorPosition] [-EnableDpiAwareness] [-ForbiddenKeyDown] [-ForbiddenKeyUp] [-ForbiddenKeyDownChar] [-ForbiddenKeyUpChar] [-HeaderCellOpacity <byte>] [-HeaderCellForeground <color>] [-HeaderCellHeight <int>] [-HeaderCellHorizontalAlignment <string>] [-HeaderCell-LineBreakText <string>] [-HeaderCellOverflow <string>] [-HeaderCellPadding <int>] [-HeaderCellTextAlignment <string>] [-HeaderCellVerticalAlignment <string>] [-IdleTimeout <int>] [-Indent <int>] [-MultiSelect] [-NoClickSelection] [-NoScroll] [-Pagination <int>] [-ReadOnly] [-UseSystemHotkeys] [-SelectionMode <string>] [-ShowColumnHeaders <boolean>] [-ShowDetailsPane <boolean>] [-ShowGridLines <boolean>] [-ShowItemCount <boolean>] [-ShowRowHeader <boolean>] [-SortControlPlacement <string>]


  • -Title : Sets the title of the grid window.
  • -PassThru: Passes the input object to the output.
  • -NoWrap: Prevents text wrapping in cells.
  • -Width : Specifies the width of the window in pixels.
  • -AutoSizeColumns: Automatically adjusts column widths to best fit the content.
  • -Force: Overrides any existing window and displays the grid.
  • -Wrap: Allows text wrapping in cells.
  • -Height : Specifies the height of the window in pixels.
  • -Background : Sets the background color of the grid.
  • -Foreground : Sets the foreground color of the text and controls.
  • -Font : Specifies the font to use in the grid.
  • -InputObjectProcessedCount : Limits the number of input objects to process before the grid is displayed.
  • -MaximumWindowHeight : Specifies the maximum height of the grid window.
  • -MaximumWindowWidth : Specifies the maximum width of the grid window.
  • -MinimumWindowHeight : Specifies the minimum height of the grid window.
  • -MinimumWindowWidth : Specifies the minimum width of the grid window.
  • -AllowResize: Enables user resizing of the grid window.
  • -AllowColumnHeaderReorder: Allows users to reorder column headers.
  • -AllowColumnReorder: Allows users to reorder columns.
  • -AllowSort: Enables sorting of data in the grid.
  • -AllowVirtualization: Optimizes performance for large datasets by only loading visible rows.
  • -AutoFit: Automatically sizes the grid to fit the available space.
  • -AutoSize: Automatically sizes the grid based on its content.
  • -CellSpan : Sets the number of cells to span for a cell.
  • -ColumnHeadersHeight : Specifies the height of the column header area.
  • -ColumnIndent: Indents the column header text.
  • -ColumnSpacing : Sets the space between columns.
  • -DetailPaneHeight : Specifies the height of the detail pane area.
  • -DisableDpiAwareness: Disables DPI awareness for the grid window.
  • -DisableVirtualization: Disables virtualization for the grid.
  • -DisplayCursorPosition: Shows the current cursor position in the grid.
  • -EnableDpiAwareness: Enables DPI awareness for the grid window.
  • -ForbiddenKeydown: Specifies a key or key combination to disable from being pressed.
  • -ForbiddenKeyup: Specifies a key or key combination to disable from being released.
  • -ForbiddenKeyDownChar: Specifies a character to disable from being entered when a key is pressed.
  • -ForbiddenKeyUpChar: Specifies a character to disable from being entered when a key is released.
  • -HeaderCellOpacity : Sets the opacity of the header cell background.
  • -HeaderCellForeground : Sets the foreground color of the header cell text and controls.
  • -HeaderCellHeight : Specifies the height of the header cells.
  • -HeaderCellHorizontalAlignment : Sets the horizontal alignment of the header cell text.
  • -HeaderCell-LineBreakText : Sets the text to use for line breaks in the header cell.
  • -HeaderCellOverflow : Sets the behavior when the header cell text overflows.
  • -HeaderCellPadding : Sets the padding around the header cell text.
  • -HeaderCellTextAlignment : Sets the text alignment of the header cell text.
  • -HeaderCellVerticalAlignment : Sets the vertical alignment of the header cell text.
  • -IdleTimeout : Specifies the time in milliseconds before the grid becomes idle and performs cleanup tasks.
  • -Indent : Indents the grid content by the specified number of pixels.
  • -MultiSelect: Enables the selection of multiple rows.
  • -NoClickSelection: Disables row selection by clicking.
  • -NoScroll: Disables scrolling in the grid.
  • -Pagination : Sets the number of rows to display per page.
  • -ReadOnly: Prevents users from modifying the grid data.
  • -UseSystemHotkeys: Uses system hotkeys for grid operations.
  • -SelectionMode : Sets the selection mode for the grid.
  • -ShowColumnHeaders : Shows the column headers.
  • -ShowDetailsPane : Shows the details pane area.
  • -ShowGridLines : Shows grid lines between rows and columns.
  • -ShowItemCount : Shows the number of rows in the grid.
  • -ShowRowHeader : Shows the row header area.
  • -SortControlPlacement : Sets the placement of the sort control.


Simple usage:

Get-Process | Out-GridView

Displaying a specific number of rows:

Get-Process | Out-GridView -Pagination 10

Disabling scrolling and showing row count:

Get-Process | Out-GridView -NoScroll -ShowItemCount

Selecting multiple rows:

Get-Process | Out-GridView -MultiSelect

Common Issues

  • Slow performance when dealing with large datasets: Consider enabling virtualization using the -AllowVirtualization parameter.
  • Rows disappearing from the grid: Ensure that the input data is not changing while the grid is open.
  • Grid not displaying correctly: Check the size and positioning of the grid window, as well as the DPI settings of your system.


Out-GridView can be integrated with other PowerShell commands to perform advanced data manipulation and visualization tasks. For instance:

  • Export the grid data to a CSV file:
Get-Process | Out-GridView | Export-Csv -Path .\processes.csv
  • Create a graphical report based on the grid data:
Get-Process | Out-GridView | Select-Object ProcessName | ConvertTo-Html -Title "Process Report" -Body "<h3>Current Processes</h3>" | Out-File .\report.html
  • Get-Content: Reads data from files or streams.
  • Write-Host: Writes text to the console.
  • ConvertTo-Html: Converts data into HTML format.