Invoke Item - PowerShell
Invoke-Item is a versatile PowerShell command that enables the execution of various actions on specified items. It offers a convenient way to interact with files, folders, scripts, and other objects directly within the PowerShell console.
Invoke-Item [-Path] <string[]> [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-AsJob]
[-PipelineVariable <string>] [-LiteralPath] [-Command <string>] [-ArgumentList <object[]>]
[-RedirectStandardInput <string>] [-RedirectStandardOutput <string>] [-RedirectStandardError <string>]
-Path: Specifies the path of the item to invoke. Supports wildcards and multiple paths.
-Credential: Provides credentials to access the item if necessary. Defaults to the current user’s credentials.
-AsJob: Creates the invocation as a background job, allowing the command to run asynchronously.
-PipelineVariable: Sets the variable name for items passed through the pipeline. Defaults to “Item”.
-LiteralPath: Treats the value of -Path as a literal path instead of interpreting path variables.
-Command: Specifies a custom command to execute on the item. Overrides the item’s default action.
-ArgumentList: Passes additional arguments to the command specified by -Command.
-RedirectStandardInput: Redirects the input stream of the invoked item.
-RedirectStandardOutput: Redirects the output stream of the invoked item.
-RedirectStandardError: Redirects the error stream of the invoked item.
Open a file:
Invoke-Item c:\path\to\file.txt
Run a PowerShell script:
Invoke-Item -Path .\script.ps1
Execute a command on a file:
Invoke-Item -Path c:\path\to\file.txt -Command "notepad"
Invoke an item with custom arguments:
Invoke-Item -Path .\script.ps1 -ArgumentList "-param1", "value1"
Run an item as a background job:
Invoke-Item -Path c:\path\to\file.txt -AsJob
Common Issues
- Access Denied: Ensure the specified user has sufficient permissions to access the item.
- Invalid Path: Verify that the path to the item is correct.
- Unsupported Item: Not all items can be opened or executed within PowerShell.
Pipe Output to Other Commands:
Get-ChildItem | Invoke-Item -AsJob | Wait-Job
Use with Custom Scripts:
$script = { Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Invoke-Item }
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $script
Related Commands
- Get-Item: Retrieves information about an item without executing it.
- Set-Item: Sets properties or values of an item.
- New-Item: Creates a new item in the specified location.