Install PackageProvider - PowerShell


The Install-PackageProvider command in PowerShell allows administrators and developers to install package providers for managing software packages from various repositories. It integrates with the PackageManagement module, enhancing the functionality for package management.


Install-PackageProvider [-Name] <string> [-Force] [-Scope] <string> [-NoProxy] [-SkipVerification] [-UseOriginalSource] [-Credential] <PSCredential> [-Timeout] <int> [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction] <string>


  • -Name: Specifies the name of the package provider to install. This field is case-insensitive.
  • -Force: Forces the installation even if the provider is already installed.
  • -Scope: Defines the scope of the installation. Valid values include: CurrentUser, LocalMachine, and AllUsers. Default value: CurrentUser.
  • -NoProxy: Skips proxy configuration during package provider installation.
  • -SkipVerification: Bypasses verification of the signature of the package provider.
  • -UseOriginalSource: Uses the original source location for the package provider instead of caching it.
  • -Credential: Provides a PSCredential object for authenticating to a repository that requires credentials.
  • -Timeout: Sets the timeout in seconds for the installation process.
  • -Verbose: Displays additional detailed information during the installation process.
  • -Debug: Shows detailed debugging information.


Installing a Package Provider from an Online Repository

Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet

Installing a Package Provider from a Local File

Install-PackageProvider -Name MyCustomProvider -Path "C:\MyCustomProvider.nupkg"

Installing a Package Provider for All Users

Install-PackageProvider -Name Chocolatey -Scope AllUsers

Skipping Proxy Configuration

Install-PackageProvider -Name PowerShellGet -NoProxy

Common Issues

  • Provider not found: Ensure that the specified provider name is correct and exists in the available repositories.
  • Installation failed: Check the output messages or enable debug logging for more details on the failure. Verify internet connectivity or network settings.
  • Access denied: Use the -Credential parameter to provide credentials if the repository requires authentication.


  • PackageManagement module: This command is an essential part of the PackageManagement module, providing the ability to install and manage software packages.
  • PowerShell scripts: Integrate the Install-PackageProvider command into PowerShell scripts to automate package provider installations.
  • Get-PackageProvider
  • Update-PackageProvider
  • Uninstall-PackageProvider