Import Alias - PowerShell


Import-Alias creates aliases for commands, functions, and scripts. Aliases provide a convenient shorthand for invoking these items, making it easier to streamline scripts and simplify command execution.


Import-Alias [-Name] <AliasNames> [-Force] [-Verbose] [-ErrorAction <ErrorAction>] [-ErrorVariable <ErrorVariable>] [-OutVariable <Variable>]


  • -Name: Specifies the name(s) of the aliases to import. Multiple aliases can be separated by commas.
  • -Force: Imports the aliases even if they already exist, overwriting any previous definitions.
  • -Verbose: Provides detailed information about the alias import process.
  • -ErrorAction: Specifies the action to be taken when an error occurs.
  • -ErrorVariable: Specifies a variable to store the last error that occurred.
  • -OutVariable: Specifies a variable to store the imported aliases.


# Import the "Get-Process" command with the alias "gps"
Import-Alias -Name Get-Process -Alias gps

# Import multiple aliases from a file
Import-Alias .\Aliases.ps1 -Force

Common Issues

  • Aliases can conflict with existing commands or functions. Use -Force to override existing definitions or specify unique aliases.
  • Imported aliases are only available in the current session. To make them persistent, include the Import-Alias command in your PowerShell profile.


  • Use Import-Alias to create shortcuts for frequently used commands.
  • Combine Import-Alias with other commands, such as New-Alias, to dynamically manage aliases.
  • Create reusable alias libraries and import them as needed using Import-Alias.
  • Get-Alias: Retrieves a list of defined aliases.
  • New-Alias: Creates new aliases.
  • Remove-Alias: Removes existing aliases.