gnutls_certificate_set_rawpk_key_mem - Linux


gnutls_certificate_set_rawpk_key_mem sets a raw public key with the given certificate. It is designed to be used in scenarios where the certificate requires an unencrypted public key for authentication purposes.


gnutls_certificate_set_rawpk_key_mem(cert, type, curve, key, size)


  • cert: The certificate to modify.
  • type: The type of public key to set. Possible values include:
    • GNUTLS_PK_RSA: RSA public key
    • GNUTLS_PK_EC: Elliptic curve public key
  • curve: For elliptic curve keys, specifies the curve to use. Possible values include:
  • key: The actual public key data in memory.
  • size: The size of the public key in bytes.


Setting an RSA public key:

#include <gnutls/gnutls.h>

int main() {
  gnutls_certificate_t cert;

  const unsigned char key[] = {0x30, ...}; // Actual RSA public key data
  gnutls_certificate_set_rawpk_key_mem(cert, GNUTLS_PK_RSA, 0, key, sizeof(key));

  // Use the certificate for TLS/SSL communication

  return 0;

Setting an elliptic curve public key:

#include <gnutls/gnutls.h>

int main() {
  gnutls_certificate_t cert;

  const unsigned char key[] = {0x30, ...}; // Actual EC public key data
  gnutls_certificate_set_rawpk_key_mem(cert, GNUTLS_PK_EC, GNUTLS_PK_CURVE_SECP256R1, key, sizeof(key));

  // Use the certificate for TLS/SSL communication

  return 0;

Common Issues

Make sure the public key data is correct and in the correct format. Improperly formatted or invalid keys will cause errors.


gnutls_certificate_set_rawpk_key_mem is often used in conjunction with other GnuTLS functions for establishing encrypted connections. It can be combined with gnutls_certificate_set_issuer_raw to create a self-signed certificate.

Related Commands

  • gnutls_certificate_set_rawpk_key_file: Sets a raw public key from a file.
  • gnutls_certificate_set_issuer_raw: Sets the raw data for the certificate issuer.
  • gnutls_session_set_certificate: Sets the certificate to use for a GnuTLS session.