gnu_get_libc_release - Linux


gnu_get_libc_release is a command that displays the version of the GNU C Library (glibc) used by the system. It provides detailed information about the specific release, including version numbers, bug fixes, and other relevant details.


gnu_get_libc_release [--version] [-v]


| Option | Description |
| --version | Display version information and exit |
| -v | Alias for --version |


Get the default output:

$ gnu_get_libc_release
GNU C Library (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.35-0ubuntu3) stable release version 2.35

Display the version information:

$ gnu_get_libc_release --version
GNU gettext-runtime (GNU libc) 2.35

Common Issues

  • Inaccurate output: Ensure that the installed version of get_gnu_libc_release matches the system’s glibc version.
  • Command not found: Make sure that get_gnu_libc_release is installed and available in your system’s path.


gnu_get_libc_release can be integrated with other commands to provide additional information. For instance, to check if your system’s glibc version is up to date, you can use:

if ! gnu_get_libc_release | grep 'stable release'; then
  echo "Your system's glibc is outdated. Please update it."

Related Commands

  • ldd: List dynamic dependencies of an executable.
  • getconf: Retrieve system configuration variables.
  • file: Determine the file type.