gitsubmodules - Linux


gitsubmodules is a command used to manage and interact with Git submodules. Submodules allow developers to embed other Git repositories as part of a larger project, enabling the inclusion of external codebases or dependencies into a project. This command provides operations for adding, initializing, updating, and removing submodules.


gitsubmodules [command] [options]


| Flag | Description | Default |
| — | — | — |
| -q, --quiet | Suppress most output | False |
| -v, --verbose | Show additional output | False |
| -f, --force | Forcefully execute commands | False |


| Command | Description |
| — | — |
| add | Add a submodule |
| update | Update submodules |
| init | Initialize submodules |
| sync | Sync submodule URLs with parent |
| remove | Remove a submodule |


Add a Submodule:

gitsubmodules add path/to/submodule

Update Submodules:

gitsubmodules update

Sync Submodule URLs with Parent:

gitsubmodules sync

Remove a Submodule:

gitsubmodules remove path/to/submodule

Common Issues

  • Submodule not initialized: Ensure that the submodule is initialized by running git submodule init.
  • File permission errors: Grant write permissions to the submodule directory.
  • Submodule not tracked: Add the submodule to the parent repository using git submodule add.


Use with Git:

git pull --recurse-submodules

Use with Make:

make -C path/to/submodule

Related Commands

  • git clone: Clones a Git repository.
  • git checkout: Switches to a specific branch or commit.
  • git commit: Commits changes to the repository.

Additional resources: Git Submodules Documentation