gitrepository-layout - Linux


gitrepository-layout is a command-line tool for exploring and visualizing Git repository layouts. It provides insightful information about branches, remotes, tags, commit history, and other aspects of a Git repository. Administrators and developers can use it to quickly grasp the structure and organization of complex repositories and identify potential areas for improvement.


gitrepository-layout [options] [repository_path]

Required Arguments

  • repository_path: Path to the Git repository.


  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.
  • -g, –graph: Generate a graphical representation of the repository layout.
  • -b, –branches: List all branches in the repository.
  • -r, –remotes: List all remotes in the repository.
  • -t, –tags: List all tags in the repository.
  • -c, –commit-history: Generate a detailed history of commits.
  • -o, –output-file: Save the output to a file.
  • -v, –verbose: Display additional details and debugging information.


Simple Usage:

gitrepository-layout /path/to/myrepo

Generate Graphical Representation:

gitrepository-layout -g /path/to/myrepo

List Branches and Remotes:

gitrepository-layout -b -r /path/to/myrepo

Common Issues

  • Permissions Error: Ensure you have read and execute permissions for the repository.
  • Invalid Repository Path: Double-check the correctness of the provided repository path.
  • Outdated Version: Consider updating your Git installation if you encounter unexpected errors.


  • Combine with Git Commands: Use gitrepository-layout alongside git log, git diff, and other Git commands for comprehensive analysis.
  • Automate Workflow: Incorporate gitrepository-layout into scripts and continuous integration pipelines to monitor repository health and structure.

Related Commands

  • git: The primary Git command-line interface.
  • gitk: Graphical representation of a repository’s commit history.
  • git-branch: Manage branches within a repository.