gitprotocol-pack - Linux


gitprotocol-pack is a Git tool that generates a packfile from a set of loose objects. Packfiles are compressed, indexed collections of objects, which improve performance by reducing the number of file system accesses required to retrieve objects.


gitprotocol-pack [options] <repository>


  • -a, –all-match
    • Pack all objects instead of just the objects reachable from the current commit.
  • -i, –incremental
    • Pack only the objects that are not already in the packfile.
  • -o, –output=
    • Write the packfile to the specified file.
  • -v, –verbose
    • Output debugging information.
  • -h, –help
    • Print usage information.


Create a packfile from a fresh repository:

gitprotocol-pack my-repo.git

Create a packfile from a subset of objects:

gitprotocol-pack -a my-repo.git

Pack only the objects that are not already in the packfile:

gitprotocol-pack -i my-repo.git

Common Issues

  • "fatal: not a git repository": Ensure that you are running the command from within a Git repository.
  • "error: packfile is empty": Try packing more objects by using the -a option.
  • "error: pack has duplicate SHA1 entries": This error can occur if there are multiple copies of the same object in the repository. You can try removing duplicate objects using the git gc --prune command.


gitprotocol-pack can be used in conjunction with other Git commands to improve performance. For example:

  • git fetch –pack: Fetch objects from a remote repository using packfiles.
  • git fetch-pack: Fetch a packfile from a remote repository.

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