gitformat-chunk - Linux


gitformat-chunk is a tool for creating and manipulating Git-format chunks, which are used to represent Git objects. It can be used to:

  • Create new chunks
  • Write chunks to an existing Git pack file
  • Read chunks from a Git pack file
  • Extract data from chunks
  • Modify the contents of chunks


gitformat-chunk <command> [<options>] [<args>]


  • -c, –create: Create a new chunk.
  • -w, –write: Write a chunk to a Git pack file.
  • -R, –read: Read a chunk from a Git pack file.
  • -d, –data: Extract data from a chunk.
  • -m, –modify: Modify the contents of a chunk.
  • -h, –help: Display help and exit.


Create a new chunk:

gitformat-chunk -c <chunk-name>

Write a chunk to a Git pack file:

gitformat-chunk -w <pack-file> <chunk-name>

Read a chunk from a Git pack file:

gitformat-chunk -R <pack-file> <chunk-name>

Extract data from a chunk:

gitformat-chunk -d <chunk-name>

Modify the contents of a chunk:

gitformat-chunk -m <chunk-name> <new-data>

Common Issues

One common issue when using gitformat-chunk is that the chunk name is not correct. The chunk name is a unique identifier for the chunk, and it must be specified correctly when reading, writing, or modifying a chunk.


gitformat-chunk can be integrated with other Git tools to perform advanced tasks. For example, it can be used with git-pack-objects to create a Git pack file, or with git-cat-file to extract data from a chunk.

Related Commands

  • git-pack-objects
  • git-cat-file
  • git-check-blob