gitcvs-migration - Linux


gitcvs-migration assists in the conversion of projects from a CVS repository to a Git repository, facilitating seamless transition and collaboration.


Usage: gitcvs-migration [options] <CVSROOT> <GitDirectory>


  • -m, –message: Provide a commit message for the initial commit in Git.
  • -c, –config: Specify a configuration file to use.
  • -n, –dry-run: Simulate the migration without making any changes.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output for detailed progress information.
  • -u, –upstream: Specify the remote name for the upstream repository.
  • -b, –branch: Specify the branch to push to in the upstream repository.
  • –no-metadata: Exclude CVS metadata from the conversion.
  • –no-authors: Ignore CVS author details during conversion.
  • –ignore-conflicts: Skip conflicts and convert the rest of the branches.
  • –map: Map CVS branches to Git branches using a file.


Simple Migration:

gitcvs-migration /path/to/CVSROOT /path/to/GitDirectory

Migration with Custom Configuration:

gitcvs-migration -c myconfig.ini /path/to/CVSROOT /path/to/GitDirectory

Dry Run and Verbose Output:

gitcvs-migration -n -v /path/to/CVSROOT /path/to/GitDirectory

Common Issues

  • CVSROOT Not Found: Ensure that the path provided in <CVSROOT> points to the actual CVS repository root.
  • Git Repository Not Accessible: Check permissions and ensure that the Git repository specified in <GitDirectory> is accessible.
  • Conflicting Branches: If conflicts arise during migration, consider using the --ignore-conflicts option or adjust the branch mapping in the configuration file.


gitcvs-migration can be integrated with other Git commands to enhance the migration process. For example:

gitcvs-migration /path/to/CVSROOT /path/to/GitDirectory && git push origin main

Related Commands

  • git: The primary version control system utility.
  • cvs: The Concurrent Versions System used for version control before Git.
  • cvs2git: An alternative command for CVS-to-Git migration.