gitcredentials - Linux


gitcredentials is a utility used in Git for managing authentication credentials. It allows users to manage, edit, add, and remove existing credentials for seamless authentication with remote repositories.


gitcredentials [--version] [--help] [--edit] [--remove] [url]


  • –version: Displays the version of gitcredentials.
  • –help: Displays the help message.
  • –edit: Opens the credential helper to edit or add new credentials for the specified url.
  • –remove: Removes any existing credentials for the specified url.


Adding credentials for a remote repository:

gitcredentials --edit

Removing credentials for a remote repository:

gitcredentials --remove

Common Issues

Error: Invalid URL

If you encounter an error message stating "Invalid URL," ensure that the provided URL is a valid Git remote repository address.


gitcredentials can be used with other Git commands, such as git fetch, git pull, and git push, to streamline authentication. It can also be integrated with custom credential helpers for more advanced authentication scenarios.

Related Commands

  • git: The main Git command used for version control.
  • ssh-add: Adds SSH keys to the SSH agent.

For more information, refer to the official Git documentation: