git-web–browse - Linux


git-web–browse opens a web interface for browsing a Git repository. It allows users to view the history of a project, compare changes, and navigate the repository structure.


git-web--browse [options] <repository>


  • -p, –port : Specify the port on which the web interface will listen. The default is 8080.
  • -d, –daemon: Run the web interface as a daemon instead of a standalone process.
  • -a, –auth: Enable basic HTTP authentication. Requires a username and password to be set in the .htpasswd file.
  • -h, –help: Display help information.


Open a web interface for a repository on port 80:

git-web--browse my-repository

Run the web interface as a daemon on port 8081:

git-web--browse -d -p 8081 my-repository

Enable HTTP authentication using a .htpasswd file:

git-web--browse -a my-repository

Common Issues

  • Unable to connect to the web interface: Ensure that the web interface is listening on the correct port and that any necessary firewall rules are in place.
  • HTTP authentication required but no .htpasswd file exists: Create a .htpasswd file in the repository directory and set the username and password.
  • 404 error when browsing the repository: Check that the repository path is correct.


git-web–browse can be integrated with the following commands:

  • git init: Create a new Git repository.
  • git add: Add files to the staging area.
  • git commit: Commit changes to the repository.
  • git checkout: Switch to a different branch or commit.

Related Commands

  • git-http-backend: Serve a Git repository over HTTP.
  • git-daemon: Run a Git daemon to allow remote access to repositories.
  • git-web: Serve a read-only web interface for a Git repository.