git-symbolic-ref - Linux


git-symbolic-ref is a Git command that prints the symbolic ref associated with a given ref.


git symbolic-ref [<options>] <ref>


  • -q, –quiet: Suppress printing of the symbolic ref.
  • -s, –short: Limit the output to the first path component of the symbolic ref.


To print the symbolic ref associated with the current HEAD:

git symbolic-ref HEAD

To print the symbolic ref of a specific commit:

git symbolic-ref refs/heads/master

To limit the output to the first path component of the symbolic ref:

git symbolic-ref -s HEAD

Common Issues

  • Error: symbolic ref not found: This error occurs when the specified ref does not exist. Ensure that the ref exists before running the command.


git-symbolic-ref can be used with other Git commands to perform advanced tasks, such as:

  • Renaming a branch: git branch -m old-name new-name
  • Creating a symbolic ref: git symbolic-ref refs/heads/new-branch refs/heads/master

Related Commands

  • git-branch
  • git-checkout
  • git-tag