git-maintenance - Linux


git-maintenance is a command for performing common repository maintenance tasks in a Git repository. It provides a convenient way to ensure your repositories are up-to-date, clean, and organized.


git maintenance [options] <command> [args]


  • -h, –help: Display this help message.
  • -q, –quiet: Suppresses output messages.
  • -v, –verbose: Shows detailed progress information.



Remove all merged branches from the local repository.


Fetch updates from all remote repositories.


Perform garbage collection to clean up unused objects.


Reset the current branch to the remote tracking branch.


Remove untracked files and directories from the working directory.


Prune merged branches

git maintenance prune

Fetch updates from all remotes

git maintenance fetch

Perform garbage collection

git maintenance gc

Reset the current branch to remote

git maintenance reset

Clean untracked files

git maintenance clean

Common Issues

  • Error: Could not prune branches: If you encounter this error, check that your local repository is up-to-date with the remote.
  • Error: Could not fetch updates: Verify that you have network connectivity and that the remote repository is accessible.
  • Error: Could not perform garbage collection: Ensure that you have sufficient disk space available.


git-maintenance can be used in conjunction with other Git commands. For example, you can create a script to automate your maintenance tasks:


git fetch
git gc
git prune

Related Commands

  • git gc: Performs garbage collection.
  • git prune: Removes merged branches.
  • git fetch: Fetches updates from remote repositories.