git-index-pack - Linux


git-index-pack creates a new packfile that contains the objects necessary for creating the commit objects listed in a git index file. The main purpose of packfiles is to reduce disk and network usage during version control operations, such as pushes and pulls.


git index-pack [options] <output_pack> <input_index>


  • -p | –progress: Show progress while creating a packfile.
  • -v | –verbose: Enable verbose output to provide detailed information about the process.
  • -n | –dry-run: Perform a dry run without actually creating the packfile. Just show what would have been done.
  • -m | –memory-limit=: Set the maximum memory size in bytes that can be used during object processing. Defaults to 256 MB.
  • -c | –check: Verify the integrity of the existing packfile against the index file.
  • -r | –recompress: Recreate pack with new pack version, recompressing all objects.
  • -i | –include-tag: Include tag objects in the pack.
  • -t | –threads=: Set the number of threads to use for pack creation. Defaults to the number of CPU cores.
  • -u | –unpacked: Create an unpacked file to use with git-unpack-objects.


Create a Packfile from a Git Index

git index-pack example.pack example.idx

Create a Packfile with Progress and Verbosity

git index-pack -pv example.pack example.idx

Check the Packfile Integrity

git index-pack -c example.pack example.idx

Common Issues

  • Error: Index file corrupted: The git index file might be damaged or corrupted. Run git fsck to check and repair any issues.
  • Error: Out of memory: Increase the --memory-limit option to allocate more memory for object processing.
  • Error: Invalid input parameters: Check the spelling and syntax of the provided packfile and index file paths.


  • git-pack-objects: Create a packfile directly from raw objects.
  • git-unpack-objects: Initialize a git repository by extracting objects from a packfile.
  • git-fsck: Check and repair a git repository, including packfiles.

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