git-hook - Linux


git-hook is a utility that allows users to create, edit, and manage Git hooks on a local repository. Git hooks are scripts that are triggered automatically at specific points during the Git workflow, enabling customization and automation of various tasks.


git hook <command> <hook_name> [arg]...


  • add: Adds a new hook.
  • list: Lists all available hooks.
  • delete: Removes a hook.


  • -a, --append: Appends the specified script to the existing hook.
  • -f, --force: Overwrites an existing hook without prompting.
  • --no-verify: Skips verifying the new hook script.
  • --help: Prints help information.


Adding a Hook

git hook add commit-msg .git/hooks/commit-msg

Adds the commit-msg hook, which will be triggered before each commit.

Listing Hooks

git hook list

Displays a list of all registered hooks and their associated scripts.

Deleting a Hook

git hook delete prepare-commit-msg

Removes the prepare-commit-msg hook.

Common Issues

  • Hook script permission errors: Ensure that the hook script has executable permissions.
  • Non-existent hook names: Verify that the specified hook name is correct and supported by the repository.
  • Syntax errors in hook scripts: Hook scripts must be valid shell scripts. Check for typos or errors.


git-hook can be used in conjunction with other Git commands for task automation. For example:

# Run a custom script before pushing
git config hooks.pre-push-script ~/.git/hooks/pre-push-custom

Related Commands

  • git config: Configures Git settings, including hooks.
  • git reset: Restores the repository to a previous state, including hooks.
  • git help: Provides additional documentation on Git and its features, including hooks.