git-gui - Linux


git-gui provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing Git repositories. It offers a user-friendly and interactive experience, making it accessible to both novice and advanced users.


git-gui [<revision range>] [<paths>...]


  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output.
  • -p, –patch: Display diffs as unified patches.
  • -s, –stat: Display diffs as a summary of modified lines.
  • -L, –follow: Follow file renames during diffing.
  • -c, –color: Enable colorization of output.
  • -w, –whitespace: Expand tabs and trailing whitespace in diffs.
  • –staged: Limt changes to staged files.
  • –unmerged: Display unmerged paths and conflicts.
  • –untracked: Display untracked files.


  • Inspect changes in the current branch:
  • View diffs for specific files:
git-gui path1 path2
  • Display summary of modified lines only:
git-gui -s
  • Follow file renames and use colorized diffs:
git-gui -L -c

Common Issues

  • Missing GUI window: Ensure that a GUI environment is installed and running.
  • Diffs not showing up-to-date: Refresh the GUI using the "Refresh" button or press F5.
  • Repository corruption: If the repository is corrupted, try using git fsck to repair it.


  • Git difftool: Use git-gui as the external difftool for git difftool.
  • Git extensions: Integrate with Git extensions to enhance the GUI functionality.

Related Commands

  • git: The core Git command-line tool.
  • gitk: Another GUI tool for visualizing Git history.
  • Git documentation: Official documentation for all Git commands.