git-cvsserver - Linux


git-cvsserver is a tool for hosting and managing a Git repository over SSH. It provides a secure and efficient way to access and collaborate on Git repositories over a network.


git-cvsserver [options] [<service>]


  • -p <port>: Specify the port to listen on (default: 9418).
  • -s <ssh-command>: Specify the SSH command to use (default: ssh).
  • -f <config-file>: Specify the configuration file to use (default: ~/.git-cvsserver).
  • -L <log-file>: Specify the log file to write to.
  • -d: Run in daemon mode.
  • -v: Increase verbosity level.
  • -h: Show help message.


Start a CVSSERVER service:


Start a CVSSERVER service on a specific port:

git-cvsserver -p 8022

Common Issues

Error: Permission denied (publickey)

This error usually occurs when the SSH key used by the client is not authorized to access the server. Ensure that the client’s public key is added to the server’s authorized keys file.

Error: Could not bind to port

Check if the port specified in the -p option is already in use or if the user has sufficient permissions to bind to that port.


git-cvsserver can be integrated with other Linux commands for advanced tasks, such as:

  • Automated deployments: Use git-cvsserver to host a private Git repository that serves as the source for automated deployments.
  • Webhooks: Use git-cvsserver to trigger webhooks when changes are pushed to the repository.

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