git-bugreport - Linux


git-bugreport is a Git command that assists in generating detailed bug reports for a project. It gathers system information, Git repository details, and various other data necessary for effective debugging and issue resolution.


git bugreport [--category <category>] [--component <component>]
              [--description <description>] [--extra-data <extra-data>]
              [--markdown] [--html]
              [-o|--output <filename>]
              [-h|--help] [-V|--version]


  • –category: Specify a category for the bug report. This aids in triaging and tracking issues.
  • –component: Mention the component affected by the bug. It helps identify the responsible module or team.
  • –description: Provide a detailed description of the bug, including symptoms, steps to reproduce, and any known workarounds.
  • –extra-data: Include additional information relevant to the bug, such as logs, configuration files, or test cases.
  • –markdown: Generate the bug report in Markdown format.
  • –html: Generate the bug report in HTML format.
  • -o|–output: Specify the filename for the generated bug report.
  • -h|–help: Display the command’s help message.
  • -V|–version: Print the command’s version information.


Simple Bug Report:

git bugreport --category=UI --component=Login --description="Cannot log in with valid credentials"

Complex Bug Report with Additional Data:

git bugreport --category=Performance --component=Backend \
--extra-data="server-config.yml" \
--description="Slow response times encountered when processing large requests"

Common Issues

  • Missing Information: Ensure to provide all necessary details, especially the bug description and component information.
  • Large Files: When including extra data, consider using compression or a file-sharing service if the files are too large.
  • Formatting: Avoid using special characters or non-UTF-8 encoding in the bug report, as this may cause compatibility issues.


Integrating with Bug Tracking Systems: The generated bug report can be easily integrated with bug tracking systems such as Jira or Bugzilla.
Customizing Templates: The default bug report template can be customized by modifying the ~/.git-template/bugreport file.
Automating Bug Reporting: Scripts can be created to periodically gather debug information and automatically create bug reports.

Related Commands

  • git-config: Configure Git settings, including bug report defaults.
  • git-log: Provides a history of Git commits, useful for gathering additional context.
  • git-bisect: Helps identify the commit that introduced a bug.