getutxid - Linux


getutxid is a Linux command that retrieves the unique transaction identifier (UTXID) for a given transaction in the database. UTXIDs are globally unique identifiers for each transaction, making them useful for tracking the history and dependencies of changes within the database.


getutxid [options] [<transaction-id>]

Required Arguments

  • <transaction-id>: The ID or name of the transaction for which to retrieve the UTXID.


  • -v, --verbose: Enable verbose output, displaying more information about the transaction and its UTXID.
  • -h, --help: Display a brief help message and exit.


Simple Example

Retrieve the UTXID for the latest transaction:


Retrieving UTXID for a Specific Transaction

Specify the transaction ID or name to retrieve its UTXID:

getutxid <transaction-id>

Verbose Output

Enable verbose mode to display additional details about the transaction:

getutxid -v <transaction-id>

Common Issues

Transaction Not Found

If the specified transaction ID or name does not exist, getutxid will return an error message. Ensure that the transaction has been committed successfully before attempting to retrieve its UTXID.


Combining with Other Commands

getutxid can be combined with other commands to analyze transaction history and dependencies:

getutxid | grep <pattern>

Database Management Scripts

getutxid can be incorporated into database management scripts to automate monitoring and troubleshooting tasks:


# Retrieve the UTXID for the last transaction

# Log the UTXID for future reference
echo "Last transaction UTXID: $utxid" >> /var/log/db.log

Related Commands

  • undo: Undoes a transaction using its UTXID
  • pt-visual-explain: Analyzes transaction dependencies using Performance Tool
  • mysqlbinlog: Reads and parses the MySQL binary log, which contains UTXIDs for all committed transactions