getutid - Linux


getutid is a utility that fetches information about usernames and user IDs (UIDs) in the system. It’s commonly used for user identification tasks, such as determining the owner of a file or a process.


getutid [OPTION]... [USER]...


  • -d, –domain=DOMAIN: Query the specified authentication domain. The default is the system domain.
  • -f, –format=FORMAT: Specify the output format. Valid options are:
    • name: Print the username.
    • uid: Print the user ID (default).
    • both: Print both the username and user ID.
  • -h, –help: Display this help information.
  • -v, –version: Display the version of getutid.


Get the user ID of a specific user

getutid root

Get the username and user ID of multiple users

getutid -f both user1 user2 user3

Query a specific authentication domain

getutid -d domain1 user1

Common Issues

  • If the user specified in the command doesn’t exist, getutid will return an error.
  • If the domain specified with -d doesn’t exist, getutid will return an error.


getutid can be integrated with other commands using pipes. For example:

getutid -f name | grep username

Related Commands

  • id: Display the UID, GID, and other attributes of a user or group.
  • finger: Display information about one or more users.
  • whoami: Print the effective username.